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Welcome to Diva's

Home: About

Penny shopping is exactly what it sounds like. Going and buying brand new items for just a penny each!

Did you know there are different stores you can penny shop at? The only difference is the stores policy on penny items. 

But remember the #1 rule to penny shopping at any store is you never talk to employees about penny items or ask them about penny items.


ALWAYS make sure when you're penny shopping , couponing etc that you do not leave the stores a mess. Always leave the stores in the same shape as you found it or better.

Be sure to join our facebook group to learn about penny shopping. There are some questions you'll need to answer to be approved to the group.

Not all that send group requests will be approved . All of the group questions asked must be answered .Please note not all that meet these requirements will be accepted. We reserve the right to reject anyone for any reason. If you are not approved you can always resend a request at a later time.

​Our facebook group is about quality not quantity .


We go above and beyond to make things as simple as possible to understand & to make all members feel welcomed. Remember there's no such thing as dumb question. Asking questions is how you learn. Come join us on facebook and see all  that we have to offer. Most of all enjoy the exceptional Diva experience

Home: Subscribe Form

Apply to be a remodel member

Regardless who meets set requirements we reserve the right to deny anyone for any reason. You can always reapply at a later time.

Someone will contact you at the email you provide below. You must use your real name .

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Make sure when subscribing you check your email & verify :-)

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